Our Hydrolyte beverage combines the power of HTWO + electrolytes for you to celebrate longer and recover better. Join our mission to #endhangovers
Why Hydrogen-Infused Water?
Increase Athletic Performance
Drinking before training and exercise helps ease muscle fatigue.
Hydrating after training aids in inflammation reduction, meaning faster recovery.
Ultra-Purified from Memphis Aquifers
Memphis aquifers are some of the puriest and mineral rich water in the United States. We source our water from Memphis aquifers and then complete an ultra-purification process and infuse molecular hydrogen to make a "superwater."
No Sugar + No Calories
HTWO and Hydrolyte contain no sugar and no calories making it a great drink for those looking for a better alternative!
“HTWO allows me to recover more quickly after games and long road trips. I’m able to sustain a high level of performance for longer periods, and I definitely noticed that it helped speed my recovery from an ankle injury.”
Michael Conley, Jr
NBA Player
“I’ve been drinking HTWO consistently and I love it!”
Sanya Richards Ross
Olympic Gold Medalist
“I could notice the most difference when I was drinking HTWO during the ultra-marathon. The reason I’m even considering a 50-mile run is because I felt so good at the end of the last one. I think HydrogenWater played a part in that for sure.”
Dr. David Johnson
Orthopedic Surgeon & Marathoner